Jacobi (James) Douglas
(1/1545 - 11/5/1597)

Henley Bridge Over the River Thames
Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire, England
Jacobi, sometimes Jacobus (James) Douglas was born in January of 1545 (baptised, 1/10/1545, in Yorkshire, England) to William Douglas and his mother, Alice (MNU). His baptism record appears in the church of St. John the Baptist, Halifax, Yorkshire, England. Researchers know that he was in Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire, England, by the 1560s as he married Ann Tuilo (1543 - 1604), daughter of Richard Tuilo, in St. Mary the Virgin Church in this city on April 26, 1567. Ann was baptized in April of 1543 at Kirkham Parish, Lancashire, England.
Researchers are aware of an Alice Douglas who died in Henley on Thames on December 3, 1558. Alice may be one of the earliest Douglases in the region. It is theorized that she was the wife of Jacobi's father, William, who migrated out of Yorkshire to Henley on Thames at William's death. While her age at death cannot be determined, it is possible that she was a generation older than Jacobi, thereby supporting the contention that she was Jacobi's mother. Research into these possibilities is ongoing.
Jacobi's name may appear somewhat unusual to some, but it was relatively common during this period -- particularly among members of the Douglas family. Derived from Hebrew, Jacobi has a common root with the name James, and the two names were sometimes used interchangeably. The names Jacobi and James remain quite ancient among the Douglases of Scotland, and appear frequently within several key Douglas lines.
Jacobi and Ann would have seven documented children. Two sons (each named William) were given the same Christian (or first) name -- a somewhat common practice of the time to ensure that a particular name would carry on in the event of an early death. This practice would be repeated in the Douglas line by several of Jacobi's descendants. It is likely that one of the sons was known as "William," while the other was referred to by his middle name.Together, Jacobi and Ann had the following issue:
a) Humphrey (b. 9/11/1659)
b) Martha (b. 3/18/1562)
c) Margaret (b. 9/15/1574)
d) Robert (b. 1/13/1575)
e) William (b. 12/25/1575)
f) William (b. 1/22/1580); married Marie Parker, 7/25/1611
g) John (b. 9/1/1583); married Christian Dudsbery, 4/15/1610
The double William naming pattern noted above is significant in that the name was highly important within this line. In fact, it continued on for over 200 years! One William (b. 12/25/1575) remained in Henley on Thames, whereas the other migrated to London (see the biography of William Douglas). Records suggest that William's sister, Margaret (noted above) may have also migrated to London, although additional research is presently needed to definitively corroborate this hypothesis. Christian Dudsbery Douglas, wife of John Douglas (see above), was also noted in later London church records. Her migration is more certain as her name was fairly unique.
Jacobi Douglas died on November 5, 1597, and Ann passed away in 1604 -- both in Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire, England. Ann's will (wherein she was referred to as a "widow"), probated 1604 in Oxfordshire verifies that the couple did not migrate out of this area prior to their deaths. They are likely buried in now unmarked graves in the cemetery of St. Mary the Virgin Church, Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire, England.